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Final Version using OmniFocus

Final Version is a "Time Management"-System, developed by Mark Forster who, created a whole family of similar systems, which are all based on a long list of tasks and some kind of algorithm to work through the list.

OmniFocus is a mighty task management tool, which I use to manage all my tasks and projects. It originally was meant to be used with the GTD-methodology but also lends itself to custom approaches. I own a license to the pro version of OmniFocus which I use to create custom perspectives, amongst other things. Since this setup relies on a Final Version perspective, you'd need the pro Version of OmniFocus as well.

Disclaimer: This setup has been lightly tested for about two weeks and so far I like it a lot. Enough at least to write a blog post about it.

How Final Version works

You should really read the original instructions, but here's an abbreviated version:

  1. Have long list of tasks ordered by date entered
  2. Mark the oldest still active task
  3. Go through the list and ask "What would I like to do before I do this?"
  4. Mark whatever you want to do before the last selected task and go back to step 3, when you're at the end of your list, the selection is done
  5. Work on your selections, youngest selection first

Setup in OmniFocus - Using Defer Date As Sort Field

First thing we need is a long list of tasks. A single action list works well, called "Final Version". Next we want to be able to sort the items in that list. We could just sort this list (or rather the perspective built on top of this) by date added, however, we would like to take advantge of the sophisticated features to make items repeating. If we use date added as our sorting field, new instances of repeating completed items would never become new items that appear towards the end of the list. So date added is not really what we're looking for. So maybe date changed works better?

Secondly, we would like to simply flag items when we work through our list to mark them, but this updates the date changed field, which means that flagged items, that might not get done become "younger" any time we flag them. That's not helpful either.

The solution is defer dates. With defer dates repeating items get a new defer date when completing them and they won't get updated when the item is being flagged. There is one downside, which is that we have to remember that we fill the defer date field with now at task creation so that all items become actually sortable. If we forget we can always add a defer date at a later time, but that won't be as accurate, naturaly, but it's also not a big deal.

Now we have a list of items that is sortable and updates repeating items as we want, but doesn't update items for which we toggled the flag.

Setup in OmniFocus - Final Version Perspective

The next thing we need is a perspective which actually sorts the items reactively (that is, whenever we change the defer date, the list order should refelct that).

For this the following perspective works:

This perspective allows us to do the whole selection process and - by using tags - filtered down to what is relevant right now.

Protip: If I want to do more sophisticated filtering (for example: find out, which tasks do not have a specific tag), I open the view options and add whatever conditon is needed at the moment. As long as I don't save, the change to my perspective is temporary. One click on revert, restores my settings to the perspective.

Setup in OmniFocus - Selected Perspective

Finally, we would like to have a list of items that we have selected in order to be able to work through them. We create a second perspective:

  • basically this is a duplicate of our Final Version Perspecitve
  • Status: Flagged as a condition has been added


With this, we have all the tools in place to work with the Final Version methodology in OmniFocus. Here are some advantages of implementing Final Version in this way:

  • Easy Filtering of the list through tags
  • Easy implemtation of repeat items without having to enter them again and again - they even will become "younger" (move towards the end of the list)
  • Due dates, estimates, etc. are all possible
  • Digital Workflow - copy and paste, sync, automation, linking, etc.

I hope this was helpful and if anybody has any questions, I'm happy to answer them.

2020-01-28 Abend (Projekte|Praxis Deckungsgleichheit als Optimierungsaufgabe)

Pathos ist ein vollwertiges (und kostenloses!) Roguelike für (nicht nur) das iPhone. Groß-art-ig.

Heute wieder einmal gemerkt, wie schwierig die Dinge hier im "Ausland" sein können. Social Security Nightmare. Haste die Steuern geklärt, beißen dir die Sozialabgaben in den Arsch. Es ist jetzt so halb gelöst. Ich hoffe halb ist für den Moment genug… Denn die Bearbeitungszeit des Falls soll bis zu 3 Monate betragen. Kann hier nicht in die Details gehen. Aber ja: Damit kann man auch im Prinzip einen ganzen Tag verbringen.

Einen ganzen?! Nicht ganz! Dafür nachmittags regelrecht "Deep Work" betrieben und sämtliche Projekte die da in OmniFocus für meine Arbeit existierten dahingehend befragt, ob diese Projekte überhaupt noch einen Sinn haben, bzw. genauer: Ob das was die dortigen Projekte und die von ihnen enthaltenen Tasks bedeuten, sich auch noch genug mit dem deckt, was im Augenblick wichtig ist. Denn irgendwie entspricht das Projekt "Ticket 123 - Schnittstelle A->B definieren" zwar schon der Finalisierung des nach einiger Zeit entstandenden Dokuments, in dem die verabschiedete Festlegung der Felder der Ressource festgehalten wird, aber genau genommen deckt sich die ursprüngliche Formulierung nicht mehr mit dem was an dem Projekt wichtig war. Und so ist es häufiger. Man kann zwar auch Wege finden - je weiter man von eienr Detailansicht in eine Vogelpersepektive wechselt "stabile" Projekte zu finden. Diese sind dann aber so weit entfernt von der eigenen Arbeitswirklichkeit - ich denke jedenfalls, wenn ich über das o. g. Dokument nachdenke nicht über die Erledigung dieser Aufgabe als die Umsetzung der Softwareeinführung nach - klar, es ist ein Schritt auf dem Weg, aber es wäre doch zu ungenau es so zu fassen. Dementsprechend ist ein laufendes "Reframing" oder erneute zur-Deckung-bringen der semantischen Anker mit den eigene Aufgaben überaus gewinnbringend.

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